How do I customize the appearance of my feed?

While best efforts are taken to ensure an out of the box look on most themes, it's impossible to account for every theme.

This is where advanced customization comes in for users who aren't entirely happy with the feed width or margins and other factors.

To configure these advanced settings simply head to your theme editor in Online Store > Themes and click Customize next to your active theme.

On the sidebar just find the section for Piña Instagram (it may also be labelled Follow Us On Instagram) then scroll down to the appropriate appearance settings.

Container class

The container class is the CSS class to apply to the feed container.  By default we have set this to page-width which works on Debut and other derived themes.  If your theme uses a different class you may enter it here.


You may configure the top, left, right and bottom margins for the feed if you aren't happy with the display.  These can be set to auto which is useful for centering the feed in the page, none, or a specific pixel or percentage value.


The maximum feed width may be configured for desktop, mobile and tablet devices separately.  Each of these is optional and the desktop width will be used by default, where mobile and tablet widths may override it.  These may also be specified as pixels or percentage values.

If you have any trouble achieving the perfect look on your feed please don't hesitate to send us a message and we will be more than happy to help.